Dedham DUI Attorneys | Norfolk County OUI Attorneys
The Dedham District Court is located at 631 High Street, Dedham, MA. This court is where all cases that originate out of Dedham, Dover, Medfield, Needham, Norwood, Wellesley, and Westwood are heard. The Dedham District Court often has at two courtrooms open at a time. All cases in the Dedham District Court are prosecuted by the Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office.
What to expect during your Dedham DUI case
When charged with a DUI or OUI, you can expect the following to happen during your case:
- Arraignment: In the Dedham District Court, your arraignment will take place in the first floor courtroom. It is here that you will be advised of the formal charge against you. It is also during this hearing that the prosecutor can ask for bail, or even for you to be held without bail if you are charged with a Third or Subsequent Offense OUI. Because of this, it is important to have an experienced Dedham DUI Lawyer with you, so if the prosecutor tries to ask for bail, your liberty will be protected. Even if you are being charged with a First Offense OUI, it is important to walk into court having retained an experienced Dedham DUI Attorney, as they can ensure that important evidence is not lost, and that the case starts without causing an unnecessary delay.
- Pre-Trial: Pre-trial conference dates are held on the second floor of the Dedham District Court. At these dates, your lawyer will discuss the case with the prosecutor, obtain any evidence that is involved in the case, and file any motions that are needed.
- Motions: There are many kinds of motions that can come into play with DUI cases, including motions to dismiss and motions to suppress evidence. Motion practice is why it is extremely important to have a trusted Dedham OUI Attorney by your side, as they can recognize what motions are available and fight to protect your rights.
- Trial: The culmination of the case. At trial, the prosecutor must prove that you are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. To do this, they will elicit testimony from police officers and sometimes citizens. An experienced Dedham OUI Lawyer is needed to know how to successfully cross-examine these witnesses, and to put evidence on your behalf in front of the jury so they can understand the complete picture.
Dedham DUI Attorneys James G. DeGiacomo and Sergey Mikhlin
James G. DeGiacomo and Sergey Mikhlin are experienced Dedham DUI Attorneys who have successfully defended many clients in the Dedham District Court. If you were arrested for DUI or OUI in the Dedham area, call DeGiacomo & Mikhlin, P.C. right away. They are available 24/7 at (617) 941-3666 for free consultations.

What Makes This Firm Different?
Feel Confident in Choosing Degiacomo & Mikhlin, P.C.
Available to Clients 24/7
Nearly a Decade of Legal Experience
Successfully Defended Hundreds of Clients
Former Prosecutors & Knows How That Side Thinks
Represented Clients in MA District, Superior, & Appellate Courts